5 Important Vitamins for Eye Health

Eye vitamins

Description: Eyes are complex organs that need a multitude of different vitamins and nutrients to properly function.

Slide One: From glaucoma to cataracts, there are a variety of conditions that can affect sight. Although these conditions are caused by a number of factors, vitamins and nutrients have a major influence on maintaining eye health.

Vitamin A: Vitamin A contributes to eye health by maintaining a clear cornea, which is the outside covering of the eye. Vitamin A deficiencies can lead to xerophthalmia, a progressive eye disease that can cause irreversible blindness. Vitamin A can also protect against other eye conditions and is associated with a reduced risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Vitamin E: Vitamin E is an essential antioxidant and helps protect cells, including eye cells, against damage caused by free radicals. Studies have shown that diets high in vitamin E prevent age-related cataracts. Vitamin E can be found in nuts, seeds, and cooking oils.


Vitamin C: Like Vitamin E, Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can protect cells against free radicals. Vitamin C is also required to make collagen, a protein that provides structure to the cornea and sclera. Studies have associated Vitamin C with a reduced risk of developing cataracts.

Vitamins B6, B9, and B12: A combination of Vitamins B6, B9, and B12 can help lower levels of homocysteine, a protein often associated with inflammation and an increased risk of developing AMD. One clinical study in women demonstrated a 34% reduced risk of developing AMD while consuming 1,000 mg of each of these vitamins.

Riboflavin: Riboflavin is another antioxidant that can help prevent oxidative stress in the body. Prolonged riboflavin deficiency is also associated with an increased risks of cataracts. Experts recommend consuming 1.1-1.3 mg of riboflavin per day. Fortunately, many foods are high in riboflavin, including oats, milk, and yogurt.

Final Slide: Maintaining eye health is important to reduce your risk of developing eye-related conditions. The right vitamins and nutrients can have a significant influence on the progression of certain eye conditions.